In this section we will inform you of the centres in Salamanca where you can learn Spanish in the most comfortable practical and efficient way possible possible for you.
Other language centres where you can learn Spanish in Salamanca are:
Don Quijote
Address: Calle de los Placentinos, 2
Telephone: 923 268 860
Academia Mester
Address: Calle de Vázquez Coronado, 5
Telephone: 923 213 835
Academia Isla
Address: Plaza de los Basilios 8
Telephone 923 260 627
Colegio Internacional de Salamanca
Address: Paseo del Rector Esperabé, 45-69
Telephone 686 450 220
Colegio Ibérico
Address: Calle del Pozo Amarillo, 36
Telephone: 923 267 288
DILE, cursos internacionales de español
Address: Plaza del Oeste, 7
Telephone: 923 282 446
Academia Berceo
Address: Calle de Pedro Cojos, 7
Telephone: 923 213 564
Escuela oficial de Idiomas
Address: C/ Peña de Francia, 46
Telephone: 923 241 461